Doing business in...

Esta página reúne todas as publicações Doing Business disponíveis até o momento nos países em que a Mazars está presente. Estas publicações têm por objectivo apresentar a Mazars a investidores que pretendam realizar negócios no exterior.

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Doing business in the Netherlands 2018

Ever thought of doing business in the Netherlands? And about what this country has to offer you? Next to the opportunities, you need to think about the challenges before setting up business activities. The Dutch fiscal climate can affect your business positively, but can also have a negative impact, when not taking the right steps. Your activities will be successful only if you and your company are familiar with the Netherlands and the principal rules and regulations. Mazars’ accountants and tax advisers will help you and act as your personal guide.

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Make a French Start: A practical guide to investing in France

Mazars and Business France combined their expertise to help foreign investors and entrepreneurs who want to settle in France. Mazars has created four practical guides that we hope will provide you with valuable insight to launch and grow your business in France: The French Tax System, Social Law and Good Practices to Set Up.

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